
This deliverable D2.7 presents the common methodology that is being followed to ensure the alignment between the three FlexiGroBots pilots, which are executed in four European countries in parallel
This document is a deliverable of the FlexiGroBots project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020).
This document gives an overview of Pilot 3, its requirements and technological achievements towards developing flexible robotic solutions for use in high-value crops, i.e., blueberries.


FlexiGroBots partners from Wageningen University (WU) successfully published a new data article entitled "GrapeMOTS: UAV vineyard dataset with MOTS grape bunch annotations recorded from multiple pe
Non-scientific article: Partners from Wageningen University (WU) have published a non-scientific article that has explained how Grape Bunch Detection and Tracking is performed with videos acquired
FlexiGroBots partners from Wageningen University (WU) successfully published a new research article entitled "Comparing Nadir and Oblique Thermal Imagery in UAV-Based 3D Crop Water Stress Index App