FlexiGroBots has a number of deliverables that must be achieved during the lifetime of the project. The following deliverables will be published:

WP1 Project Coordination

WP2 Requirements, architecture and standardisation

  • D2.1 Stakeholder view to FlexiGroBots system scenarios Oct 2021

    This deliverable summarises the results of the FlexiGroBots project’s stakeholder analysis done in task 2.1. The objective of the analysis was to understand how stakeholders view the project, its objectives, and planned outcomes. The results will guide the FlexiGroBots platform specification work to be done in Task 2.2.

    The stakeholder analysis was done using a Google Forms questionnaire with 72 questions addressing the needs and opinions related to the FlexiGroBots project’s objectives and platform features. The questionnaire was distributed using email to project partners and their contacts that were considered relevant for the project. About 60 replies were received and analysed.

    The main finding of the analysis was that robots and AI are seen as a natural evolution in the domain of agriculture. Farmers are familiar with using digital tools and robots, and AI services are seen as such. Data spaces and data sharing were seen as tools for achieving higher in-depth situational awareness of the farm through AI services, augmented maps, and advanced analytics services. The future of agriculture and food production is in precision farming and transparency of the food production value chain, and data is the main enabler for them. The survey confirms the main approach in the FlexiGroBots platform. All three main elements: AI services, automation through agricultural robots, and data spaces are relevant in the project use cases and future farming. The analysis of results also clarified the need to take into account the ethical assessment and business modelling aspects in platform specification.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D2.2 Requirements and platform architecture specifications 1 Dec 2021

    This deliverable D2.2 describes the consolidated functional and non-functional requirements, architecture and detailed technical specifications for the FlexiGroBots platform. It is the first outcome of task T2.2 - Platform requirements and architecture. An updated version will be released in June of 2022, which corresponds to month eighteen of the project, with the publication of D2.3.

    In order to leverage the know-how, results and lessons learnt during the last years as part of both innovation and commercial activities, FlexiGroBots performed an exhaustive analysis of the state-of-the-art considering relevant reference architectures, European research projects, standards and already available products. Thus, FlexiGroBots platform is based on technologies that are the result of years of investment by the whole European Community, being interoperable with innovative agriculture digital solutions and completely aligned with some of the most promising ecosystems that are being promoted currently, e.g., GAIA-X, European Common Data Spaces or the Artificial Intelligence on-demand-platform. FlexiGroBots includes by design requirements identified by the High-level Expert Group on AI of the European Commission (HLEG AI) to ensure ethical, human-centric and trustworthy AI and robotics systems for precision agriculture, thanks to the work that is being performed within T2.4 - ELSE factors and guidelines, under the coordination of CEPS.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D2.3 Requirements and platform architecture specifications Final Jun 2022

    This deliverable presents the final version of the FlexiGroBots platform requirements and specifications, which have been conceived to allow automating precision agriculture services through the usage of heterogeneous multi-robot systems and exploiting diverse data sources with advanced AI techniques. It is the final result of Task 2.2 (Platform requirements and architecture) and has been produced leveraging the initial vision described in Deliverable 2.2.

    The present document has been updated with new requirements extracted during the progress in the implementation of the platform prototypes within the scope of WP3 (Platform development) and its application and integration in the three project’s pilots in WP4 (Grapes), WP5 (Rapeseeds) and WP6 (Blueberries). A major part of the initial vision is still relevant and only fine-tuning has been required for most of the components of the platform and therefore this document is focused on the changes introduced from D2.2.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by European Commission*

  • D2.4 Standardisation activities report 1 Jun 2022

    This deliverable is the result of the work carried out in Task 2.3 (Portability, Interoperability and Standards) of WP2 (Requirements, architecture and standardisation). That is, the document presents the activities carried out throughout the project related to the standardisation, portability and interoperability of the different parts that make up FlexiGroBots. Therefore, it is mainly composed of a compilation of the most important standards used by the project partners and their uses within the FlexiGroBots activities.

     The main objective of this deliverable is to put into context and encourage standardisation-related activities by the project partners. By compiling all this information and presenting it together, the partners are able to better coordinate with each other by being aware of the standards they use and where they apply them in their project work. This document is the first version of the Standardisation Activities report 1.

     *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by European Commission*

  • D2.5 Standardisation activities report Final Dec 2023

    Gathering the information on current standards both on robotics and on agriculture, with the expertise developed along the first phases of the project, proposals on how normative should be adapted.
  • D2.6 ELSE factor analysis and guidelines Jun 2022

    This deliverable presents how FlexiGroBots integrates ethical, legal, socio-economic and environmental (ELSE) considerations into the project. The ELSE research for this deliverable supports the pilots and the platform in three main steps: First, desk research on the literature on autonomous robots and on existing ethical and legal standards was conducted. Second, based on this research, several interviews were conducted to better understand the most important ELSE factors for the FlexiGroBots project. Third, based on the interviews and desk research, a list of recommendations for the pilots and platform were developed.

     *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by European Commission*

  • D2.7 Pilot alignment and joint assessment report 1 Dec 2021

    This deliverable D2.7 presents the common methodology that is being followed to ensure the alignment between the three FlexiGroBots pilots, which are executed in four European countries in parallel by different teams and focused on various types of crops. It is the first outcome of task T2.5 – Pilots’ methodology, follow-up and alignment. An updated interim version of D2.7 will be released in December of 2022, which corresponds to month twenty-four of the project, with the publication of D2.8. The final version D2.9 will be published in month thirty-six, at the end of the project.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D2.8 Pilot alignment and joint assessment report 2 Dec 2022

    This deliverable presents the common methodology that is being followed to ensure the alignment between the three FlexiGroBots pilots implemented in four European countries (Spain, Serbia, Lithuania, Finland) on three different types of crops, and reporting the findings made during the second year of the project implementation. Also, this deliverable has a special focus on how the pilots can collaborate and share outcomes, so that others can benefit from the work done.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D2.9 Pilot alignment and joint assessment report 3 Dec 2023

    This is a series of yearly reports on the global status and results obtained by the different pilots, which are development by independent teams in different WPs.

WP3 Platform development

  • D3.1 FlexiGroBots Platform v1 Dec 2021

    The main mission of deliverable D3.1 is to present the initial version of the components that compose the FlexiGroBots platform, being the first outcome of WP3 -Platform development. Two more versions of the deliverable will be published during the execution of the project: D3.2 in December 2022 (M24) and D3.3 in December 2023 (M36). The three deliverables correspond to the main releases of the FlexiGroBots platform’s components software prototypes, but descriptive reports have been also prepared to explain the work done during the development process and the achieved results.

    FlexiGroBots platform is devoted to enabling the usage of flexible and heterogeneous multi-robot systems for intelligent automation of precision agriculture operations. The platform considers by design the creation of an embryonic Agriculture Data Space (ADS) to support robotics missions leveraging the vision of the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) and the existing building blocks already implemented by its community. The ADS will support the three pilots to realize a data value chain that maximizes synergies, collaboration, and trading around data, while ensuring data sovereignty, data governance and security in data sharing/exchange across companies, domains and international borders. The key Data Space building blocks will be extended and particularised for the needs and requirements of the stakeholders and systems participating normally in the usage of robotics systems for precision agriculture.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D3.2 FlexiGroBots Platform v2 Dec 2022

    The purpose of the D3.2 deliverable was to describe the progress made regarding the development of the FlexiGroBots platform during the last months of the project, specifically from January 2022 (M13) to December 2022 (M24). This is the second out of three deliverables corresponding to this work package. Deliverable D3.3 (FlexiGroBots Platform v3) will be published in December 2023 (M36), at the end of the project.

    **This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission**

  • D3.3 FlexiGroBots Platform v3 Dec 2023

    Third and final version of FlexiGroBots digital platform and services together with a report providing details on the implementation and deployment activities.

WP4 Pilot 1 - Grapevines. Set up and assessment

  • D4.1 Pilot 1 - Grapevines: objectives, requirements and design Dec 2021

    This document presents the works carried out in Pilot 1 in the first year of the project, referring to task T4.1 Pilot objectives, requirements and design. The objectives are set out, the scenarios and use cases are detailed, as well as the functional and non-functional requirements, the KPIs to be achieved, and the data sets to be used and generated according to the case. The robotic elements and UAVs, as well as the different devices involved in the development of the pilot, are also described. The technical design of the pilot and the requirements of the FlexiGroBots platform are detailed, in order to ensure the coordinated development of the common platform. Also, the results of the first works and field tests are presented, as well as the next steps in the works of the task. The deliverable ends with a section of conclusions.

    Until the moment, the first round of datasets has been collected during the harvesting campaign of 2021. There, all the partners of Pilot 1 met and executed UAV flights and UGV surveys of the field. Positive results regarding the harvest assistance provided by the UGV were obtained. Finally, during that meeting, many dissemination activities were carried out to foster the visibility of the FlexiGroBots project.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D4.2 Pilot 1 - Grapevines: Technical report on the demonstrator specific components Mar 2023

    A document compiling the technical description of all the demonstrator-specific components and the information required for their integration and deployment.
  • D4.3 Pilot 1 - Grapevines: Demonstrator integration, testing and deployment Oct 2023

    A document describing the in-field deployment of the UGVs, UAVs, software components of the FlexiGroBots and software demonstrator. It will also describe the integration of the software components and services developed in the task T4.2. The document will include the tests and results of the deployment and demonstrators.

WP5 Pilot 2 - Rapeseeds. Set up and assessment

  • D5.1 Pilot 2 – Rapeseeds: objectives, requirements and design Dec 2021

    This document is a deliverable of the FlexiGroBots project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020). It is the resulting work carried out by the partners involved in the development of Pilot 2 (WP5) in terms of analysis, objectives definition, requirements gathering and design. This document also collects all functional and non-functional requirements of the pilot for all the components involved. The document provides an overview of the system to be developed in the next phases to achieve the objectives marked for WP5. The main outcome of this document is the pilot specific implementation architectures and the detailed definition of the use case plan. This document provided an overview of the systems to be developed within the FlexiGroBots-project.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D5.2 Pilot 2 – Rapeseeds: Technical report on the demonstrator specific components Mar 2023

    A document compiling the technical description of all the pilot-specific components and the information required for their integration and deployment.
  • D5.3 Pilot 2 – Rapeseeds: Demonstrator integration, testing and deployment Oct 2023

    A document describing the in-field deployment of the pilot. It will also describe the integration of the software components and services developed in the task T5.2. The document will include the tests and results of the deployment and demonstrators.
  • D5.4 Pilot 2 – Rapeseeds: assessment Dec 2023

    A document analysing the evaluation and assessment of the pilot based on the results of the testing and use of the demonstrators, as well as the ethical assessment.

WP6 Pilot 3 - Blueberries. Set up and assessment

  • D6.1 Pilot 3 – Blueberries: objectives, requirements and design Dec 2021

    This document gives an overview of Pilot 3, its requirements and technological achievements towards developing flexible robotic solutions for use in high-value crops, i.e., blueberries. Firstly, the document outlines the work plan set in the proposal, which has been refined during the first 12 months of the project.

    In concrete, there are 3 use cases that will be covered in Serbia and Lithuania and these include:

    • Data acquisition using UAVs, UGV-mounted equipment, and other sources
    • Data processing using deep learning/image processing algorithms
    • UGV actions - pesticide application and soil sampling

    The document provides details about the UAV/UGV equipment that was used for data acquisition and that will be used for these purposes, along with the description of the datasets acquired using this equipment. Regarding the equipment, the Pilot foresees the development of innovative robotic parts for soil sampling and pesticide application. Their requirements and current status of their development have been elaborated in the corresponding section, while for both UAVs and UGVs, a precise pipeline was defined that the pilot will follow in terms of data acquisition and operation of the robots. The methodology defined in this way will ensure the highest standards of operation and a clear and feasible pipeline for the development of the technology.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D6.2 Pilot 3 – Blueberries: Technical report on the demonstrator specific components Mar 2023

    A document compiling the technical description of all the demonstrator-specific components and the information required for their integration and deployment.
  • D6.3 Pilot 3 – Blueberries: Demonstrator integration, testing and deployment Oct 2023

    A document describing the in-field deployment of the UGVs, UAVs, software components of the FlexiGroBots and software demonstrators. It will also describe the integration of the software components and services developed in the task T6.2. The document will include the tests and results of the deployment and demonstrators.
  • D6.4 Pilot 3 – Blueberries: assessment Dec 2023

    A document analysing the evaluation and assessment of the pilot based on the results of the testing and use of the demonstrators, as well as the ethical assessment.

WP7 - Dissemination and exploitation

  • D7.1 Dissemination Plan Jun 2021

    This document is a deliverable of the FlexiGroBots project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020). A dissemination plan is understood as a group of actions and activities for transmitting outcomes, research findings or/and products to interested target groups, users and stakeholders via specific communication channels. This document presents the D7.1 Dissemination plan deliverable, including the expected impact of the dissemination plan, ongoing and planned activities, target audience, milestones, and mechanisms to assess the dissemination plan. Finally, the commitment of all the partners with the dissemination activities is demonstrated with the inclusion of specific dissemination plans.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D7.2 Communication Plan and Communication Kit Jun 2021

    An appropriate and well-defined communication strategy is of paramount importance to maximize the impact of the project. It has been designed together with the plans for dissemination, training, standardization, and exploitation.

    Communication means taking strategic and targeted measures for promoting the action itself and its results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public, and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange. The document presents the FlexiGroBots project’s communication plan, including the goals and methods for the outreach activities and the material that has been prepared to be shared with the target audiences. The branding produced by the FlexiGroBots consortium is also presented.

    D7.2 also defines the instruments that will be used during the project execution to reach the target audiences and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that the consortium aims to achieve. The commitment of all the partners with the communication activities is demonstrated with the inclusion of specific individual plans.

    This document will be updated three times on an annual basis, including also KPIs and main outcomes achieved during each period through deliverables D7.10, D7.11 and D7.12.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D7.3 Business modelling and commercial exploitation report 1 Dec 2022

    The aim of this deliverable is to present the outcomes of a process that was initiated on M06 of the project and it will be continued up until the end of it. The deliverable encompasses the results of the first round of activities related to the exploration and development of business models applicable for commercial exploitation of the FlexiGroBots Platform, the pilots within the project and their separate hardware or software components. Additionally, D7.3 provides a first glance of the sustainability strategy of the project and the upcoming plans for its long-term operation.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D7.4 Business modelling and commercial exploitation report final Dec 2023

    A strategy report detailing the results of business modelling, opportunity exploration and new product and service commercialization planning activities, to be distributed via different online communication channels and among interested prospective end-customers, industry representatives and public stakeholders.
  • D7.5 Methodology for virtual pilot demonstration Jun 2023

    In order to maximise the impact of the FlexiGroBots project and disseminate its main results, a range of pilot demonstrations will be organised. The purpose of this deliverable was to analyse various aspects of the demonstration activities and give clear instructions for the pilots on how to organise them. In this way, the technology and use cases will be presented to the highest standard, uniformly across the pilots.

    **This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission**

  • D7.6 Technology transfer report Oct 2023

    This deliverable consists of a consolidated report on pilot demonstration activities, their results, and technology transfer requirements and procedures, made in respect to D1.3 and D7.3.
  • D7.7 Project sustainability and long-term operation plan 1 Dec 2022

    This deliverable, with two editions, will include the design of an ambitious plan for the sustainability and long-term operation of the solutions developed within the project, focusing on ensuring pilot operations beyond the scope of the project.
  • D7.8 Project sustainability and long-term operation plan Final Dec 2023

    This deliverable, with two editions, will include the design of an ambitious plan for the sustainability and long-term operation of the solutions developed within the project, focusing on ensuring pilot operations beyond the scope of the project.
  • D7.9 Report on ethical AI in Agri-Food Dec 2023

    A consolidated synopsis report containing horizontal lessons learned and recommendations, to be distributed via different online communication channels and a dedicated event.
  • D7.10 Communication report 1 Dec 2021

    This deliverable reports on the various dissemination and communication activities between January (M1) and November 2021 (M11), that have been performed by the project, and/or where partners have participated, as part of the dissemination and communication plans presented at D7.1 and D7.2 respectively. The deliverable compiles all the activities between M1 and M11. The activities corresponding to December 2021 (M12) will be included in posterior reports informing on the activities done within Year 2.

    The activities comprised in this deliverable represent a joint effort of the consortium to increase the visibility of the project among targeted stakeholders as it was defined on the first phase of the communication plan. All of the activities performed represent a step forward into positioning FlexiGroBots as an innovative project with a valuable offer for roboticists, engineers, service providers, and farmers to deploy flexible heterogeneous multi-robot systems that will contribute to empowering the Agri-Food sector in Europe.

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D7.11 Communication report 2 Dec 2022

    This deliverable reports on FlexiGroBots dissemination and communication activities that took place between December 2021 (M12) and November 2022 (M23). Project activities described in this deliverable represent a joint effort of the consortium partners in order to increase the visibility of FlexiGroBots among targeted stakeholders. Future activities will be reported in the final deliverable D7.12 – Communication Report 3 (M36).

    *This Deliverable is pending to be approved by the European Commission*

  • D7.12 Communication report 3 Dec 2023

    Updated version of D7.11 with special focus on KPI reporting.