Rekovac, Serbia

The Second Conference of the berry fruit agrobusiness sector was held in Rekovac, Serbia on 9 March 2023. It was organised by the BioSense Institute and ZeleniHit — Serbian partners from the FlexiGroBots consortium.

The FlexiGroBots project was presented to an audience of more than 2️0️0 blueberry producers, agronomy students, and agricultural advisors. Talk by Nevena Momirovic from ZeleniHit focused on new practices of growing blueberries, such as using novel varieties and technologies, i.e. the ones developed within the project. While her presentation was delivered from an agricultural perspective, the presentation done by Dr. Oskar Marko from BioSense Institute was more focused on the development of the technologies. It highlighted the challenges behind the development and showed video clips of different components of the system in operation.